Welcome to The Visionary Portal

A Sanctuary for Exponential Expansion

This is a sanctuary for the rapidly expanding seeker, visionary and creative who desires to be the architect of their destiny.

In this space, we will explore your unique energetic frequency, learn how to amplify your highest work in the world, gain access to the infinite data of your Genius and to collapse timelines towards your high impact goals.

I am Lauren Zavlunov...

The creator of the Black Diamond Method for high performance alchemy, an elixir of metaphysical advisorship, grounded mysticism and bespoke energy work.

I work with the boldest visionaries, entrepreneurs and creatives who desire to have the deepest self mastery and the highest impact in their business, life and legacy. 

My world is where I hold space for your grandest visions and unleash your inner Genius so that you can accelerate timelines towards your next level achievement and unlock your limitless potential to become the true architect of your destiny.